Neuro4me Treatment Protocol

Dr. Cenk has been successfully treating Peripheral Neuropathy sufferers in his Pittsburgh office for over 32 years. Over that span of time the body of scientific research and evidence about the causes and effects of PN has advanced significantly and Dr. Cenk has made every effort possible to treat the Causes of PN and not just the Effects. Dr. Cenk is now making available to the general public for the first time his Neuro4 Home Care Neuropathy Protocol to help PN sufferers who can’t make it to his office for treatment. 

This Neuro4 Protocol includes Nobel Prize in Medicine winning technology that addresses the primary cause of PN which is a lack of oxygenated blood flow to Peripheral Nerves. The traditional Allopathic Medical Model of PN treatment involves utilizing anti-convulsant medications to “short-circuit” the pain signals going back up to the brain. The problem with this mechanism is that it does not address the cause, it has the side effect of causing seizures and it only addresses one symptom of PN, pain. The medications that are primarily used for PN are Neurontin, Gabapentin, Lyrica and Cymbalta. Statistically, 1 in 10 users of these Medications will be afforded pain relief related to PN. For the rest, there is no benefit. So, if you suffer from burning, tingling, numbness, balance issues, etc., as your primary symptom, there is no benefit. 

With Dr. Cenk’s Neuro4 Treatment Protocol he addresses circulatory issues, neurodegenerative problems, balance issues, numbness, tingling, burning, dermatological issues, fungal infections, wounding healing, pain and much more. The combination of potent supplements in Neuro4 address the cause of PN and helps alleviate the symptoms without all the dangerous and damaging side effects of the medications prescribed for PN. 

One of Dr. Cenk’s major frustrations with supplementation for PN is the exorbitant cost to purchase a well-balanced Treatment Protocol. Often, purchasing just one of the supplements provided in Neuro4 by Dr. Cenk costs more than the entire Neur4 protocol when purchased online from other vendors. This limits access to these life-changing supplements and their benefits. This is why Dr. Cenk initiated THE NEURO4 CHALLENGE. If you can find these 4 life-changing supplements together at the same or greater potency for a lower cost than subscription Neuro4, Dr. Cenk will send you a FREE month supply*. Take THE NEURO4 CHALLENGE today! 

*L-arginine, L-citrulline levels at 3 grams or greater. Topical (3.4 ounces) and Oral (30ml) CBD, CBG, CBN at 5000mg (excludes hemp oil) or greater. 

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